VA Science Olympiad

An organization that engages students in grades 3-6 in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics through various levels of team-based tournaments. Students meet on weekends and evenings to design and create projects, engage in thought-provoking discussions, and conduct research on a variety of topics. 



Science Olympiad Details for 2024-25


Awesome Job Science Olympiad Division A!

The Science Olympiad Division A tournament last month was a GREAT success for our GFES students. Out of more than 1,200 3rd-5th graders who participated in the VASO Div A competitions this fall, GFES was proudly represented by 30 participants. We medaled in 14 out of the 31 events we participated in. This is definitely the best Div A year we’ve had so far!


Way to Go Science Olympiad Division B!

GFES 5th and 6th graders recently participated in the Lake Braddock Invitational for Science Olympiad. Our team placed 31 out of 43 and was competing against Middle Schoolers! Two students won awards:  Emily and Maddy from 5th grade won 5th place for potions and poisons, and Josie and Gauri from 6th grade won 6th place for doing Scrambler.  See all the scores on

Way to go GFES students!! Special thanks to our coach Nadia Nachawati for leading this incredible team.


Got questions? Contact us!

Div A:

Div B: